rick and morty
rick and morty


Rick and Morty: The Complete Seasons 1-5 [Blu-ray]

評分4.8(227)RickandMorty是AdultSwim上廣受好評的半小時動畫熱門喜劇系列,跟隨一位社會病態天才科學家,他拖著他本來膽小的孫子在整個宇宙中瘋狂危險的冒險中拖著他本來膽小的 ...

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Rick and Morty 瑞克和莫蒂周邊商品

『瑞克和莫蒂』(Rick and Morty) 於2013 年12 月在美國首播,故事講述了瘋狂的科學家-『瑞克』和他外孫-『莫蒂』穿越各種超ㄎㄧㄤ宇宙開始了各種奇怪的冒險。

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's nighttime programming ...

Watch Rick and Morty on Adult Swim

Rick is a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. Their escapades often have potentially harmful consequences for their ...

Rick and Morty: The Complete Seasons 1-5 [Blu-ray]

評分 4.8 (227) Rick and Morty 是Adult Swim 上廣受好評的半小時動畫熱門喜劇系列,跟隨一位社會病態天才科學家,他拖著他本來膽小的孫子在整個宇宙中瘋狂危險的冒險中拖著他本來膽小的 ...

瑞克和莫蒂Rick and Morty 官方正版授權與美國進口週邊商品

瑞克和莫蒂第五季第1集已於2021年6月20號在Adult Swim 以及HBO GO 熱映中,這集瑞克宿敵寧波先生登場、3P、莫蒂穿越時空締下的千年仇恨以及在與潔西卡的愛情線再度展開 ...

Rick and Morty (TV Series 2013– )

評分 9.1/10 (641,370) The fractured domestic lives of a nihilistic mad scientist and his anxious grandson are further complicated by their inter-dimensional misadventures. Rick and Morty: The Anime · Justin Roiland: Rick Sanchez ·


: 《瑞克和莫蒂》講述一名反社會人格的天才科學家拉著他天性膽怯的孫子一同進行瘋狂又危險的跨宇宙探險的故事。瑞克山查茲和女兒貝絲一家同住,他經常帶著她、女婿傑瑞、 ...

Rick and Morty, Season 1

評分 9.1/10 (637,959) A sociopathic scientist arrives at his daughter's doorstep 20 years after disappearing and moves in with her family, setting up a laboratory in the garage ...


《瑞克和莫蒂》(英語:Rick and Morty)是一部於Adult Swim播出的美國電視科幻情境喜劇動畫,主要圍繞於憤世嫉俗的瘋狂科學家瑞克·桑切斯和他容易受挫折的外孫莫蒂· ...


『瑞克和莫蒂』(RickandMorty)於2013年12月在美國首播,故事講述了瘋狂的科學家-『瑞克』和他外孫-『莫蒂』穿越各種超ㄎㄧㄤ宇宙開始了各種奇怪的冒險。,RickandMortyisanAmericanadultanimatedsciencefictionsitcomcreatedbyJustinRoilandandDanHarmonforCartoonNetwork'snighttimeprogramming ...,Rickisamadscientistwhodragshisgrandson,Morty,oncrazysci-fiadventures.Theirescapadesoftenhavepotentiallyharmfulconseque...